Mosman Dental Surgery | MOSMAN

If you are unfortunate enough to require the extraction of one or more teeth there are many things you can do after the procedure to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery.

A tooth extraction is considered a minor oral surgery procedure and can range from a simple case to a complex extraction requiring the removal of bone and sectioning of the tooth.

The first stage of the socket healing is the formation of a blood clot in the socket. The body grows fibrous tissue through this clot and in approximately 3 months will turn this over into solid bone. If the blood clot is lost then the boney socket is exposed which can cause a painful condition called dry socket (alveolar osteitis). To avoid this it is recommended to avoid the following and why:

  • Vigorous exercise for 48 hours as this can raise blood pressure and dislodge a blood clot
  • Salt water rinses or mouthwash for 48 hours as this can also dislodge a clot
  • Grainy foods such as rice, nuts, seeds and crisps. These can get stuck in a socket delaying healing
  • This reduces the blood flow to the soft tissues of the mouth and can delay the healing process
  • Playing with sutures with your tongue or finger or brushing the area too aggressively. The sutures are there to hold the tissues and blood clot in place. Please leave them to do their job.

There are things you can do to help the healing process:

  • Clear your calendar for a day or two. You may feel extra tired. Let your body recover.
  • Take both paracetamol and ibuprofen if you are able before the anaesthetic wears off to ensure you are comfortable.
  • Eat soft foods such as yoghurt, steamed vegetables, fish, mashed potatoes and smoothies.
  • Try to eat on the opposite side of the mouth if you can.

Please talk to your dentist or oral surgeon about your particular case and any concerns you may have and follow their advise. Here at Mosman dental surgery we are a team of experienced dental surgeons here to make your treatment flow smoothly and facilitate an uneventful recovery.

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