Mosman Dental Surgery | MOSMAN

The first stage of the socket healing after an extraction or the placement of an immediate implant especially if bone grafting is required is the formation of a blood clot in the socket. The body grows fibrous tissue through this clot and in approximately 3 months will turn this over into solid bone. If the blood clot is lost then the boney socket is exposed which can cause a painful condition called dry socket (alveolar osteitis) or the implant may be lost. The number one cause of dry socket or implant failure is a patient continuing to smoke against their surgeons advice. Smoking drastically reduces the blood flow to the mouth and soft tissues resulting in a less stable blood clot which can easily be lost.

To ensure an uneventful surgery and healing period please talk to your surgeon about smoking cessation support.

Here at Mosman Dental Surgery we work closely with local GPs to provide you with the support you need.

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