Mosman Dental Surgery | MOSMAN

Whether or not sutures (stitches) need to be removed after a dental procedure depends on the type of suture material used and the specific procedure. Here are some general guidelines:

Absorbable Sutures:

Many dentists use absorbable sutures, which are designed to dissolve on their own over time. These sutures are commonly used for procedures such as tooth extractions and some oral surgeries. If absorbable sutures are used, they do not typically need to be removed because they naturally break down and are absorbed by the body. This typically takes 2 to 3 weeks.


Sutures: In some cases, non-absorbable sutures may be used. These sutures are usually made of materials like silk, nylon, or polyester. Non-absorbable sutures often require removal by the dentist or oral surgeon. The timing for suture removal can vary but is typically within a week to ten days after the procedure.

Location and Procedure:

The need for suture removal also depends on the location of the surgical site and the type of procedure performed. For example, sutures placed in the gums after a tooth extraction or oral surgery may need to be removed, while sutures used in other areas of the mouth for different procedures may not.

If you’re unsure whether the sutures need to be removed or if you have any concerns about the healing process after a dental procedure, it’s essential to follow up with your dentist or oral surgeon. They can examine the surgical site, assess the healing progress, and determine whether suture removal is necessary.

 general dentist Mosman

general dentist Mosman

It’s crucial to follow postoperative care instructions provided by your dentist, including any recommendations regarding oral hygiene, diet, and activity restrictions during the healing period. If you have any discomfort, signs of infection, or questions about the healing process, don’t hesitate to contact your dental provider for guidance.

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